We lived in Roswell.
We had a beautiful little girl who was not yet 16months old.
I was pregnant with twins and went into labor 8 weeks early.
We went to the hospital thinking it was a "false alarm" so we just had a neighbor stay with Kelly.
At 3:15 am we met David, who was all of 5 lbs and adorable with just a bit of brown hair.
I was shocked that he looked just like Kelly had when she was born.
At 3:36am we met Danny, who entered the world feet first and all of 4lbs 6oz but every bit as adorable as his brother.
We watched in shock and fear as the medical teams worked on our baby boys.
We waited to hear they were going to be just fine.
We were bewildered by all of the wires, tubes, and machines that they were connected to.
We worried.
We waited.
We worried some more, okay, lots more.
And then just after Christmas, we finally got to bring our babies home.
Since then...
They have been sweet, silly, naughty, loving, active and wonderful every day.
They have grown into amazing young men that we are SO proud to call our sons.
They have started high school, and worked hard for good grades in their honors classes.
They have run many miles before, during and after their cross country team season.
They have shown great gentleness with our pets.
They have shown mercy to each other and their sister many times.
They have taken a few opportunities to drive each other crazy as well.
They are best friends with each other and Kelly.
They are taller than their mom.
They talk late into the night, every night.
Their laughter fills that house at least once a day.
Their laundry and shoes adorn the floor constantly.
They are simply the best two teenage boys we could ever ask for.
We are so lucky to be their family and call them ours.
Happy 15th Birthday David and Danny!
We love you so very much, forever.